Daniel Boone Homestead Historic Site Manager Position

Daniel Boone Homestead, Birdsboro, PA
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), the Commonwealth’s official history agency, owns Daniel Boone Homestead, a historic site located at 400 Daniel Boone Road in Birdsboro, PA. The site consists of 569 acres including a lake, miles of hiking and bridle trails, and 30 structures ranging from historic buildings to maintenance facilities. The historic area of the site is currently open to the public on a seasonal basis; the grounds are open year-round for pedestrians and campers. PHMC has a number of major projects planned for the Homestead, including:
- A large capital project to improve roadways and bridges and replace an aging sewage treatment plant;
- Embarking on a master planning study for the Homestead in partnership with Exeter Township
- Reviewing the management structure of the site.
PHMC is looking to hire an Historic Site Manager to work with PHMC staff, consultants, and stakeholders to manage the capital project, the PHMC side of the master plan, and to take care of day-to-day operation of the site and plan for its future.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to the Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation, 400 North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120 or email to RA-paheritage@pa.gov by close of business Tuesday, January 21, 2020.
Download the word document at the bottom of the page for more details about the site manager's position.
Click here to check out Daniel Boone Homestead's website.

Sawmill at Daniel Boone Homestead Historic Site